Redeemer Church Ann Arbor

Redeemer Church Ann Arbor

Taking over the headquarters building of an historic fraternity isn’t the usual trajectory path for churches moving to a new building. But for Redeemer Church of Ann Arbor that was the opportunity that presented itself. Space near the campus of the University of...
Grace Protestant Reformed Church Expansion

Grace Protestant Reformed Church Expansion

Grace Protestant Reformed Church recently undertook an expansion project to increase the size of their worship space. The new space seats approximately 400 people — a significant increase in seating from the old space. KVO Communications was selected by the church to...
Designing Practical Training Solutions for Your Tech

Designing Practical Training Solutions for Your Tech

It’s encouraging that these days new technology installations in large or medium business usually come with scheduled team training on the new system. It’s an important step and shouldn’t be overlooked. Unfortunately, even when training is scheduled and carried out...
Identifying Successful Technologies for the Classroom

Identifying Successful Technologies for the Classroom

“What’s the best AV system to put into a classroom?” is a question we get a lot, and we generally answer the same way we answer most of our tech-related questions: “It depends.” While it would be simpler to quote a one-size-fits all solution...
Tools and Experience in Complex Troubleshooting

Tools and Experience in Complex Troubleshooting

Recently we found ourselves working closely with a local church to resolve a few sound system issues they’d been struggling with following a reconfiguration of their main worship space. The problems had started a few weeks after the change and were getting worse by...