Great Sound Isn’t Mixed in a Day

Great Sound Isn’t Mixed in a Day

What really makes a good mix, and how long does it really take someone to learn to run sound?  These are big questions, and ones that I’ve been dealing with for a long time. As you might know from my bio, I fell in love with AV technology by accident over two decades...

Would You Like Surround Sound with That?

Would You Like Surround Sound with That?

A few years ago, I was meeting with a client to assess their audiovisual needs. They were preparing to redesign and furnish a corporate boardroom and wanted a suitable suite of technology to stock it with. As we got started, I began working through my list of...

Calvin College Chapel

Calvin College Chapel

Calvin College’s new Chapel sound system was not functioning at its full potential.  While Calvin’s current year budget did not have room for an entirely new system, it did allow for some work to optimize the current system. Longtime tech director Carl Hordyk turned...

Bath Public Schools

Bath Public Schools

The Bath Public Schools Middle School auditorium was originally constructed in the 1980s. As with many such spaces, the technology had not had any significant updates since the original construction. With the latest bond issue, the district recognized that the space...

When You Already Have a Tech Guy (Part 2)

When You Already Have a Tech Guy (Part 2)

Continued from part one, HERE. Today, most companies and groups have at least one team member with a substantial background in managing technology. That gives them an invaluable resource for daily operation and troubleshooting of audio visual or presentation...

Berlin Fair

Berlin Fair

Sound systems for places like fairgrounds aren’t complicated.  So why do so many of them sound so bad?  That was a problem Berlin Fair personnel had to solve when it came to their own system. The Marne, Michigan-based fairgrounds had a dated sound system for their...

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55 East Main Avenue
Zeeland, MI  49464